Susanna Jernelöv
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Cited by
Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID‐19 outbreak: Practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT‐I Academy
E Altena, C Baglioni, CA Espie, J Ellis, D Gavriloff, B Holzinger, A Schlarb, ...
Journal of sleep research 29 (4), e13052, 2020
The European Academy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: An initiative of the European Insomnia Network to promote implementation and dissemination of treatment
C Baglioni, E Altena, B Bjorvatn, K Blom, K Bothelius, A Devoto, CA Espie, ...
Journal of sleep research 29 (2), e12967, 2020
Internet treatment addressing either insomnia or depression, for patients with both diagnoses: a randomized trial
K Blom, S Jernelöv, M Kraepelien, MO Bergdahl, K Jungmarker, ...
Sleep 38 (2), 267-277, 2015
Internet-vs. group-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial
K Blom, HT Tillgren, T Wiklund, E Danlycke, M Forssén, A Söderström, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 70, 47-55, 2015
The European Insomnia Guideline: An update on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia 2023
D Riemann, CA Espie, E Altena, ES Arnardottir, C Baglioni, CLA Bassetti, ...
Journal of sleep research 32 (6), e14035, 2023
Efficacy of a behavioral self-help treatment with or without therapist guidance for co-morbid and primary insomnia-a randomized controlled trial
S Jernelöv, M Lekander, K Blom, S Rydh, B Ljótsson, J Axelsson, V Kaldo
BMC psychiatry 12, 1-13, 2012
Guided internet cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia compared to a control treatment–a randomized trial
V Kaldo, S Jernelöv, K Blom, B Ljótsson, M Brodin, M Jörgensen, ...
Behaviour Research and Therapy 71, 90-100, 2015
Three-year follow-up comparing cognitive behavioral therapy for depression to cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, for patients with both diagnoses
K Blom, S Jernelöv, C Rück, N Lindefors, V Kaldo
Sleep 40 (8), zsx108, 2017
Changes in immune regulation in response to examination stress in atopic and healthy individuals
CO Höglund, J Axen, C Kemi, S Jernelöv, J Grunewald, C Müller‐Suur, ...
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 36 (8), 982-992, 2006
Proof of concept for an adaptive treatment strategy to prevent failures in internet-delivered CBT: a single-blind randomized clinical trial with insomnia patients
E Forsell, S Jernelöv, K Blom, M Kraepelien, C Svanborg, G Andersson, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 176 (4), 315-323, 2019
Internet-delivered acceptance and values-based exposure treatment for fibromyalgia: a pilot study
B Ljótsson, E Atterlöf, M Lagerlöf, E Andersson, S Jernelöv, E Hedman, ...
Cognitive behaviour therapy 43 (2), 93-104, 2014
Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) on quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Z Alimoradi, E Jafari, A Broström, MM Ohayon, CY Lin, MD Griffiths, ...
Sleep medicine reviews 64, 101646, 2022
Three-year follow-up of insomnia and hypnotics after controlled internet treatment for insomnia
K Blom, S Jernelöv, C Rück, N Lindefors, V Kaldo
Sleep 39 (6), 1267-1274, 2016
Predicting treatment failure in regular care Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy for depression and anxiety using only weekly symptom measures.
E Forsell, N Isacsson, K Blom, S Jernelöv, F Ben Abdesslem, N Lindefors, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 88 (4), 311, 2020
Effects and clinical feasibility of a behavioral treatment for sleep problems in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a pragmatic within-group pilot evaluation
S Jernelöv, Y Larsson, M Llenas, B Nasri, V Kaldo
BMC psychiatry 19, 1-12, 2019
Insomnia–a heterogenic disorder often comorbid with psychological and somatic disorders and diseases: a narrative review with focus on diagnostic and treatment challenges
B Bjorvatn, S Jernelöv, S Pallesen
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 639198, 2021
Development of atopic disease and disturbed sleep in childhood and adolescence–a longitudinal population‐based study
S Jernelöv, M Lekander, C Almqvist, J Axelsson, H Larsson
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 43 (5), 552-559, 2013
A very brief self-report scale for measuring insomnia severity using two items from the Insomnia Severity Index-development and validation in a clinical population
M Kraepelien, K Blom, E Forsell, NH Isacsson, P Bjurner, CM Morin, ...
Sleep Medicine 81, 365-374, 2021
Facilitating and hindering factors in Internet-delivered treatment for insomnia and depression
K Blom, S Jernelöv, N Lindefors, V Kaldo
Internet Interventions 4, 51-60, 2016
Involving clients in treatment methods: A neglected interaction in the therapeutic relationship.
V Kaldo, J Ramnerö, S Jernelöv
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 83 (6), 1136, 2015
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Articles 1–20