Rehabilitating Interstate Competition: Rethinking the RL Revesz | 1376* | 1995 |
Rehabilitating interstate competition: Rethinking the race-to-the-bottom rationale for federal environmental regulation RL Revesz NYUL Rev. 67, 1210, 1992 | 1375 | 1992 |
Environmental regulation, ideology, and the DC Circuit RL Revesz Va. L. Rev. 83, 1717, 1997 | 864 | 1997 |
The choice of regulatory instruments in environmental policy NO Keohane, RL Revesz, RN Stavins Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 22, 313, 1998 | 730* | 1998 |
Environmental regulation, cost-benefit analysis, and the discounting of human lives RL Revesz Colum. L. Rev. 99, 941, 1999 | 508 | 1999 |
Federalism and environmental regulation: A public choice analysis RL Revesz Harv. L. Rev. 115, 553, 2001 | 501 | 2001 |
Centralized oversight of the regulatory state N Bagley, RL Revesz Colum. L. Rev. 106, 1260, 2006 | 494 | 2006 |
Deconstructing Independent Agencies (and Executive Agencies) K Datla, RL Revesz Cornell L. Rev. 98, 769, 2012 | 474 | 2012 |
Nonacquiescence by Federal Administrative Agencies S Estreicher, RL Revesz The Yale Law Journal 98 (4), 679-772, 1989 | 466 | 1989 |
Federalism and interstate environmental externalities RL Revesz University of Pennsylvania Law Review 144 (6), 2341-2416, 1996 | 427 | 1996 |
Specialized courts and the administrative lawmaking system RL Revesz U. Pa. L. Rev. 138, 1111, 1989 | 331 | 1989 |
The race to the bottom and federal environmental regulation: A response to critics RL Revesz Minn. L. Rev. 82, 535, 1997 | 318 | 1997 |
Regulatory review, capture, and agency inaction MA Livermore, RL Revesz Geo. LJ 101, 1337, 2012 | 278 | 2012 |
Improve economic models of climate change RL Revesz, KJ Arrow, LH Goulder, P Howard, RE Kopp, MA Livermore, ... | 269* | 2014 |
Sharing damages among multiple tortfeasors LA Kornhauser, RL Revesz The Yale Law Journal 98 (5), 831-884, 1989 | 254* | 1989 |
Legal education and entry into the legal profession: The role of race, gender, and educational debt LA Kornhauser, RL Revesz NYUL Rev. 70, 829, 1995 | 207 | 1995 |
Grandfathering and environmental regulation: the law and economics of new source review JR Nash, RL Revesz Nw. UL Rev. 101, 1677, 2007 | 192 | 2007 |
Retaking rationality: How cost-benefit analysis can better protect the environment and our health RL Revesz, MA Livermore Oxford University Press, 2008 | 172 | 2008 |
Markets and geography: Designing marketable permit schemes to control local and regional pollutants JR Nash, RL Revesz Ecology Law Quarterly 28 (3), 569-661, 2001 | 168 | 2001 |
Nonmajority Rules and the Supreme Court RL Revesz, PS Karlan U. Pa. L. Rev. 136, 1067, 1987 | 159 | 1987 |