Zhi Chen
Zhi Chen
Verifierad e-postadress på duke.edu - Startsida
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Interpretable machine learning: Fundamental principles and 10 grand challenges
C Rudin, C Chen, Z Chen, H Huang, L Semenova, C Zhong
Statistic Surveys 16, 1-85, 2022
Adversarial feature matching for text generation
Y Zhang, Z Gan, K Fan, Z Chen, R Henao, D Shen, L Carin
International conference on machine learning, 4006-4015, 2017
Concept whitening for interpretable image recognition
Z Chen, Y Bei, C Rudin
Nature Machine Intelligence 2 (12), 772-782, 2020
Exploring the whole rashomon set of sparse decision trees
R Xin*, C Zhong*, Z Chen*, T Takagi, M Seltzer, C Rudin
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 14071-14084, 2022
How to see hidden patterns in metamaterials with interpretable machine learning
Z Chen, A Ogren, C Daraio, LC Brinson, C Rudin
Extreme Mechanics Letters 57, 101895, 2022
TimberTrek: exploring and curating sparse decision trees with interactive visualization
ZJ Wang, C Zhong, R Xin, T Takagi, Z Chen, DH Chau, C Rudin, ...
2022 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 60-64, 2022
Using explainable boosting machines (ebms) to detect common flaws in data
Z Chen, S Tan, H Nori, K Inkpen, Y Lou, R Caruana
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in …, 2021
Missing values and imputation in healthcare data: Can interpretable machine learning help?
Z Chen, S Tan, U Chajewska, C Rudin, R Caruna
Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning, 86-99, 2023
Segdiscover: Visual concept discovery via unsupervised semantic segmentation
H Huang*, Z Chen*, C Rudin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.10926, 2022
Exploring and Interacting with the Set of Good Sparse Generalized Additive Models
C Zhong*, Z Chen*, J Liu, M Seltzer, C Rudin
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
Sparse and Faithful Explanations Without Sparse Models
Y Sun*, Z Chen*, V Orlandi, T Wang, C Rudin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.09702, 2024
Designing 2D mechanical metamaterials with printability constraints using interpretable machine learning
M Bastawrous, Z Chen, LC Brinson
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, W21. 001, 2022
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