Philip Wandschneider
Philip Wandschneider
Professor of Economics Washington State University
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Will farmers trade profits for stewardship? Heterogeneous motivations for farm practice selection
HH Chouinard, T Paterson, PR Wandschneider, AM Ohler
Land Economics 84 (1), 66-82, 2008
Measuring the quality of life across countries: A sensitivity analysis of well-being indices
T Rahman, RC Mittelhammer, P Wandscheider
WIDER Research Paper, 2005
Economic implications of a virus prevention program in deciduous tree fruits in the US
T Cembali, RJ Folwell, P Wandschneider, KC Eastwell, WE Howell
Crop Protection 22 (10), 1149-1156, 2003
US grass-fed beef: marketing health benefits
JJ McCluskey, TI Wahl, Q Li, PR Wandschneider
Journal of Food Distribution Research 36 (3), 1-8, 2005
How do farmers who adopt multiple conservation practices differ from their neighbors?
BM Upadhyay, DL Young, HH Wang, P Wandschneider
American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 18 (1), 27-36, 2003
Crop insurance, land allocation, and the environment
CG Walters, CR Shumway, HH Chouinard, PR Wandschneider
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 301-320, 2012
Agent heterogeneity in adoption of anaerobic digestion technology: Integrating economic, diffusion, and behavioral innovation theories
CP Bishop, CR Shumway, PR Wandschneider
Land Economics 86 (3), 585-608, 2010
Using contingent valuation to measure user and nonuser benefits: an application to public transit
KM Painter, RD Scott, PR Wandschneider, KL Casavant
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 24 (2), 394-409, 2002
Infrastructure and agricultural production: cross-country evidence and implications for China
F Felloni, T Wahl, P Wandschneider, J Gilbert
TW.-2001-103. Washington State University: Pullman, 2001
Diversifying conservation agriculture and conventional tillage cropping systems to improve the wellbeing of smallholder farmers in Malawi
D TerAvest, PR Wandschneider, C Thierfelder, JP Reganold
Agricultural Systems 171, 23-35, 2019
Managing river systems: centralization versus decentralization
PR Wandschneider
Natural Resources Journal 24 (4), 1043-1066, 1984
Trade policy, biotechnology and grain self‐sufficiency in China
F Felloni, J Gilbert, TI Wahl, P Wandschneider
Agricultural Economics 28 (3), 173-186, 2003
Waiting for the invisible hand: Novel products and the role of information in the modern market for food
TG Smith, HH Chouinard, PR Wandschneider
Food Policy 36 (2), 239-249, 2011
Limited access to services for the urban poor in Windhoek, Namibia
ST Karuaihe, PR Wandschneider
Development Southern Africa 35 (4), 466-479, 2018
Neoclassical and institutionalist explanations of changes in Northwest water institutions
PR Wandschneider
Journal of Economic Issues 20 (1), 87-107, 1986
Measuring the quality of life across countries
T Rahman, RC Mittelhammer, P Wandschneider
Research Paper, 2005
Inferences from sparse data: An integrated, meta-utility approach to conservation research
HH Chouinard, PR Wandschneider, T Paterson
Ecological Economics 122, 71-78, 2016
Competition between irrigation and hydropower in the Pacific Northwest
WR Butcher, PR Wandschneider, NK Whittlesey
Scarce Water and Institutional Change, 25-66, 2013
Asymmetric information and profit taking in crop insurance
CG Walters, CR Shumway, HH Chouinard, PR Wandschneider
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 37 (1), 107-129, 2015
The demand for wine tourism in Canyon County, Idaho
RG Taylor, S Woodall, PR Wandschneider, JC Foltz
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 7 (4), 58-75, 2004
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Articles 1–20