The antecedents, consequences, and mediating role of organizational ambidexterity CB Gibson, J Birkinshaw Academy of management Journal 47 (2), 209-226, 2004 | 6543 | 2004 |
Organizational ambidexterity: Antecedents, outcomes, and moderators S Raisch, J Birkinshaw Journal of management 34 (3), 375-409, 2008 | 4037 | 2008 |
Organizational ambidexterity: Balancing exploitation and exploration for sustained performance S Raisch, J Birkinshaw, G Probst, ML Tushman Organization science 20 (4), 685-695, 2009 | 3448 | 2009 |
Management innovation J Birkinshaw, G Hamel, MJ Mol Academy of management Review 33 (4), 825-845, 2008 | 3321 | 2008 |
Transnational Management: Text, Cases & Readings in Cross-Border C Bartlett, P Beamish Management, Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1992 | 2444 | 1992 |
Multinational subsidiary evolution: Capability and charter change in foreign-owned subsidiary companies J Birkinshaw, N Hood Academy of management review 23 (4), 773-795, 1998 | 2344 | 1998 |
The innovation value chain. MT Hansen, J Birkinshaw Harvard business review 85 (6), 121-30, 142, 2007 | 1939 | 2007 |
Entrepreneurship in multinational corporations: The characteristics of subsidiary initiatives J Birkinshaw Strategic management journal 18 (3), 207-229, 1997 | 1875 | 1997 |
Building ambidexterity into an organization J Birkinshaw, C Gibson MIT Sloan management review, 2004 | 1856 | 2004 |
Knowledge transfer in international acquisitions H Bresman, J Birkinshaw, R Nobel Journal of international business studies 30, 439-462, 1999 | 1776 | 1999 |
Building firm‐specific advantages in multinational corporations: the role of subsidiary initiative J Birkinshaw, N Hood, S Jonsson Strategic management journal 19 (3), 221-242, 1998 | 1615 | 1998 |
Configurations of strategy and structure in subsidiaries of multinational corporations JM Birkinshaw, AJ Morrison Journal of international business studies 26, 729-753, 1995 | 1445 | 1995 |
Managing the post‐acquisition integration process: How the human iintegration and task integration processes interact to foster value creation J Birkinshaw, H Bresman, L Håkanson Journal of management studies 37 (3), 395-425, 2000 | 1315 | 2000 |
The sources of management innovation: When firms introduce new management practices MJ Mol, J Birkinshaw Journal of business research 62 (12), 1269-1280, 2009 | 1284 | 2009 |
Centers of excellence in multinational corporations TS Frost, JM Birkinshaw, PC Ensign Strategic management journal 23 (11), 997-1018, 2002 | 1220 | 2002 |
Clarifying the distinctive contribution of ambidexterity to the field of organization studies J Birkinshaw, K Gupta Academy of Management Perspectives 27 (4), 287-298, 2013 | 1090 | 2013 |
How multinational subsidiary mandates are gained and lost J Birkinshaw Journal of International Business Studies 27, 467-495, 1996 | 959 | 1996 |
From a distance and generalizable to up close and grounded: Reclaiming a place for qualitative methods in international business research J Birkinshaw, MY Brannen, RL Tung Journal of International Business Studies 42, 573-581, 2011 | 951 | 2011 |
Weight versus voice: How foreign subsidiaries gain attention from corporate headquarters C Bouquet, J Birkinshaw Academy of Management journal 51 (3), 577-601, 2008 | 925 | 2008 |
Innovation in multinational corporations: control and communication patterns in international R&D operations R Nobel, J Birkinshaw Strategic management journal 19 (5), 479-496, 1998 | 840 | 1998 |