Karin E. Kitchens
Karin E. Kitchens
Assoicate Professor, Virginia Tech
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Cited by
Why Aren't There More Republican Women in Congress? Gender, Partisanship, and Fundraising Support in the 2010 and 2012 Elections
KE Kitchens, ML Swers
Politics & Gender, 1-29, 2016
Highway infrastructure and the economy: implications for federal policy
HJ Shatz, KE Kitchens, S Rosenbloom
Rand Corporation, 2011
Cold-case investigations: An analysis of current practices and factors associated with successful outcomes
RC Davis, C Jensen, KE Kitchens
RAND Center on Quality Policing, 2011
A review of the Army's modular force structure
KE Kitchens, S Johnson, JR Fischbach, JE Peters, AL Martin
RAND Corporation, 2012
Social transformation and violence: Evidence from US Reconstruction
MA Stewart, KE Kitchens
Comparative Political Studies 54 (11), 1939-1983, 2021
Do better schools help to prolong early childhood education effects?
KE Kitchens, W Gormley, S Anderson
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 66, 101092, 2020
Dividing lines: The role school district boundaries play in spending inequality for public education
K Kitchens
Social Science Quarterly 102 (1), 468-491, 2021
From preschool to politics: Early socialization in Tulsa
KE Kitchens, W Gormley
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 62, 259-274, 2023
Race, school discipline, and magnet schools
K Kitchens, NL Brodnax
AERA Open 7, 23328584211033878, 2021
The Hispanic extracurricular participation gap
KE Kitchens, W Gormley
Social Science Quarterly 99 (5), 1776-1790, 2018
Partisan Politics and Public Education: Finding the formula for (electoral) success
KE Kitchens
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21 (1), 55-79, 2021
Exit or invest: Segregation increases investment in public schools
KE Kitchens
The Journal of Politics 83 (1), 71-86, 2021
The Effects of Highway Infrastructure on Economic Activity
H Shantz, KE Kitchens, S Rosenbloom
Highway Infrastructure and the Economy, 14-42, 2011
Statebuilding, social order and violence: Evidence from US reconstruction
MA Stewart, K Kitchens
working Paper, 2018
What matters in school reopening plans: an analysis of the impact of school board demographics
K Kitchens, S Harris, K Miller
Politics, Groups, and Identities 12 (1), 186-216, 2024
Political implications of military occupation: The creation of social order and the historical legacies of the us civil war
MA Stewart, KE Kitchens
Technical Report, American University, Washington, DC, 2017
Why Aren’t There More Republican Women in Congress: Gender, Partisanship, and Fundraising Support in the 2010 and 2012 Elections
ML Swers, K Kitchens
Midwest Political Science Association Conference April, 2014
Reintegration after deployment: Supporting citizen warriors and their families
E Wilke, KE Kitchens, A Wong, AG Schaefer, KC Osilla, J Breslau, ...
RAND Corporation, 2013
A Review of the Army’s Modular Force Structure
JE Stuart, PE John, KE Karin, ML Aaron, FR Jordan
RAND National Defense Research Institute, Santa Monica, California, 2012
Partisanship and Professionalization: School Board Decision-Making in the Midst of a Pandemic
K Kitchens, M Goldberg
Urban Affairs Review, 10780874241227792, 2024
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Articles 1–20