Wei Fan
Wei Fan
Southeast Univeristy, Purple Mountain Laboratories
Verifierad e-postadress på seu.edu.cn
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A step toward 5G in 2020: Low-cost OTA performance evaluation of massive MIMO base stations
W Fan, I Carton, P Kyosti, A Karstensen, T Jamsa, M Gustafsson, ...
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 59 (1), 38-47, 2016
Emulating spatial characteristics of MIMO channels for OTA testing
W Fan, F Sun, JØ Nielsen, MB Knudsen, GF Pedersen
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 61 (8), 4306-4314, 2013
Measured wideband characteristics of indoor channels at centimetric and millimetric bands
W Fan, I Carton, JØ Nielsen, K Olesen, GF Pedersen
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2016, 1-13, 2016
Over-the-air radiated testing of millimeter-wave beam-steerable devices in a cost-effective measurement setup
W Fan, P Kyosti, M Rumney, X Chen, GF Pedersen
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (7), 64-71, 2018
A uav-aided real-time channel sounder for highly dynamic non-stationary a2g scenarios
K Mao, Q Zhu, Y Qiu, X Liu, M Song, W Fan, ABJ Kokkeler, Y Miao
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2023
On radiated performance evaluation of massive MIMO devices in multiprobe anechoic chamber OTA setups
P Kyösti, L Hentilä, W Fan, J Lehtomäki, M Latva-Aho
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (10), 5485-5497, 2018
Spatial non-stationary near-field channel modeling and validation for massive MIMO systems
Z Yuan, J Zhang, Y Ji, GF Pedersen, W Fan
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 71 (1), 921-933, 2022
Split-ring resonator-loaded baffles for decoupling of dual-polarized base station array
M Li, X Chen, A Zhang, W Fan, AA Kishk
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 19 (10), 1828-1832, 2020
Machine-learning-based 3-D channel modeling for U2V mmWave communications
K Mao, Q Zhu, M Song, H Li, B Ning, GF Pedersen, W Fan
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (18), 17592-17607, 2022
Dynamic channel modeling for indoor millimeter-wave propagation channels based on measurements
X Cai, G Zhang, C Zhang, W Fan, J Li, GF Pedersen
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (9), 5878-5891, 2020
Millimeter wave multi-user performance evaluation based on measured channels with virtual antenna array channel sounder
AW Mbugua, W Fan, Y Ji, GF Pedersen
Ieee Access 6, 12318-12326, 2018
On dimensions of OTA setups for massive MIMO base stations radiated testing
P Kyösti, W Fan, GF Pedersen, M Latva-Aho
Ieee Access 4, 5971-5981, 2016
Emulating ray-tracing channels in multiprobe anechoic chamber setups for virtual drive testing
W Fan, I Carton, P Kyösti, GF Pedersen
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 (2), 730-739, 2015
Probe selection in multiprobe OTA setups
W Fan, F Sun, JØ Nielsen, X Carreño, JS Ashta, MB Knudsen, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 62 (4), 2109-2120, 2014
Modeling and analysis of MIMO multipath channels with aerial intelligent reflecting surface
Z Ma, B Ai, R He, H Mi, M Yang, N Wang, Z Zhong, W Fan
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 40 (10), 3027-3040, 2022
A complexity-efficient high resolution propagation parameter estimation algorithm for ultra-wideband large-scale uniform circular array
X Cai, W Fan
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (8), 5862-5874, 2019
MIMO terminal performance evaluation with a novel wireless cable method
W Fan, P Kyösti, L Hentilä, GF Pedersen
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (9), 4803-4814, 2017
Wideband MIMO channel capacity analysis in multiprobe anechoic chamber setups
W Fan, P Kyösti, JØ Nielsen, GF Pedersen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (5), 2861-2871, 2015
Empirical study of near ground propagation in forest terrain for internet-of-things type device-to-device communication
J Hejselbæk, JØ Nielsen, W Fan, GF Pedersen
Ieee Access 6, 54052-54063, 2018
Over-the-air array calibration of mmWave phased array in beam-steering mode based on measured complex signals
Z Wang, F Zhang, H Gao, O Franek, GF Pedersen, W Fan
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 69 (11), 7876-7888, 2021
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