Bill Goodwine
Bill Goodwine
Verifierad e-postadress på nd.edu
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Toward a science of cyber–physical system integration
J Sztipanovits, X Koutsoukos, G Karsai, N Kottenstette, P Antsaklis, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (1), 29-44, 2011
A review of origami applications in mechanical engineering
N Turner, B Goodwine, M Sen
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2016
Micabot: A robotic platform for large-scale distributed robotics
MB McMickell, B Goodwine, LA Montestruque
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No …, 2003
Control of cyberphysical systems using passivity and dissipativity based methods
PJ Antsaklis, B Goodwine, V Gupta, MJ McCourt, Y Wang, P Wu, M Xia, ...
European Journal of Control 19 (5), 379-388, 2013
Engineering differential equations: theory and applications
B Goodwine
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Controllability of kinematic control systems on stratified configuration spaces
B Goodwine, JW Burdick
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 46 (3), 358-368, 2001
Motion planning for kinematic stratified systems with application to quasi-static legged locomotion and finger gaiting
B Goodwine, JW Burdick
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 18 (2), 209-222, 2002
Controllability of cross-flow heat exchangers
S Alotaibi, M Sen, B Goodwine, KT Yang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (5), 913-924, 2004
Vision-based control of a mobile base and on-board arm
A Cárdenas, B Goodwine, S Skaar, M Seelinger
The International Journal of Robotics Research 22 (9), 677-698, 2003
Control of stratified systems with robotic applications
JW Goodwine Jr
California Institute of Technology, 1998
Modeling a multi-robot system with fractional-order differential equations
B Goodwine
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1763-1768, 2014
Controlling unstable rolling phenomena
B Goodwine, G Stépán
Journal of Vibration and Control 6 (1), 137-158, 2000
Trajectory generation for kinematic legged robots
B Goodwine, J Burdick
Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 3, 2689-2696, 1997
Multi-agent compositional stability exploiting system symmetries
B Goodwine, P Antsaklis
Automatica 49 (11), 3158-3166, 2013
Motion planning for nonlinear symmetric distributed robotic formations
MB McMickell, B Goodwine
The International journal of robotics research 26 (10), 1025-1041, 2007
Gait controllability for legged robots
B Goodwine, J Burdick
Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 1998
Fractional-order system identification for health monitoring
K Leyden, B Goodwine
Nonlinear Dynamics 92 (3), 1317-1334, 2018
Controllability with unilateral control inputs
B Goodwine, J Burdick
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 3, 3394-3399, 1996
Reduction and non-linear controllability of symmetric distributed systems
MB McMickell, B Goodwine
International Journal of Control 76 (18), 1809-1822, 2003
Regularizing shear layer for adaptive optics control applications
A Nightingale, S Gordeyev, E Jumper, B Goodwine, J Siegenthaler
36th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 4774, 2005
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