Carl Heath
Carl Heath
Senior Researcher, RISE
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Makerspace in school—Considerations from a large-scale national testbed
E Eriksson, C Heath, P Ljungstrand, P Parnes
International journal of child-computer interaction 16, 9-15, 2018
The scope of autonomy when teaching computational thinking in primary school
N Carlborg, M Tyrén, C Heath, E Eriksson
International journal of child-computer interaction 21, 130-139, 2019
Considerations and technical pitfalls for teaching computational thinking with BBC micro: bit
M Tyrén, N Carlborg, C Heath, E Eriksson
Proceedings of the Conference on Creativity and Making in Education, 81-86, 2018
Makerspace in school-experiences from a large-scale national testbed
E Eriksson, C Heath, W Barendregt, O Torgersson, P Ljungstrand, ...
Matematik och det nya medialandskapet
P Jönsson, S Aasa, G Svingby, C Heath, M Åresund, L Gjedde
Naemnaren, 42-48, 2009
Child–robot interaction: Social bonding, learning and ethics
W Barendregt, A Paiva, A Kappas, A Vasalou, C Heath, S Serholt, ...
Workshop proceedings of Interaction Design and Children Conference IDC14, 2014
The scope of autonomy model: Development of teaching materials for computational thinking in primary school
N Carlborg, M Tyrén, C Heath, E Eriksson
Proceedings of the Conference on Creativity and Making in Education, 37-44, 2018
Including children with disabilities in the design process
W Barendregt, K Slegers, E Eriksson, O Torgersson, C Heath, ...
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interaction Design and …, 2014
Children: MAKE-promotion of children’s rights through soft power and making
E Eriksson, C Heath, P Ljungstrand, N Swinkels, E Einebrant
Digital fabrication by IDAC–Aims, steps and transferable principles
E Eriksson, W Barendregt, S Björk, O Torgersson, M Eriksson, C Heath, ...
FabLearn Europe 2014, 2014
Undervisning och nya medier-mobila enheter
P Jönsson, M Larsnäs, S Aasa, G Svingby, L Gjedde, C Heath, M Åresund
Datorn i utbildningen, 10-12, 2009
Prepare Play Learn
M Åresund, C Heath
GR Upplevelsebaserat lärande, 2007
Perspectives on Digital Fabrication and Making in Special Education
E Eriksson, P Börjesson, W Barendregt, O Torgersson, C Heath, ...
Perspectives on Digital Fabrication and Making in Special Education, 2016
Novel Interface Design for Augmented and Virtual Reality Binoculars for Outdoor Exhibitions
J Michelsen, C Heath, C Poelk, N Swinkels, E Einebrant, P Ljungstrand
Engaging SpacES, 266, 2014
Designing Social Worlds-On Intrigue and Interaction in Live Action Role Playing Games (LARPS).
C Heath
ICIDS, 3, 2010
Alpha version of the game MathX: the search for ancient wisdom
S Aasa, P Jönsson, K Alfredsson, C Heath, M Åresund
Det demokratiska samtalet i en digital tid-Så stärker vi motståndskraften mot desinformation, propaganda och näthat
C Heath, D Lindvall, E Bergenlöv, M Carlstedt, E Lindeberg, ...
ISSN 0375-250X Till statsrådet och chefen för Kulturdepartementet Regeringen beslutade den 23 augusti 2018 att ge en särskild utredare för att värna det demokratiska samtalet i …
C Heath, D Lindvall, E Bergenlöv, M Carlstedt, E Lindeberg, ...
Förstudie-Kapacitet och utvecklingsinsatser för datadelning
C Heath
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