Vianney Lapotre
Vianney Lapotre
Associate professor / Lab-STICC
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Nights-watch: A cache-based side-channel intrusion detector using hardware performance counters
M Mushtaq, A Akram, MK Bhatti, M Chaudhry, V Lapotre, G Gogniat
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Hardware and Architectural …, 2018
WHISPER: A tool for run-time detection of side-channel attacks
M Mushtaq, J Bricq, MK Bhatti, A Akram, V Lapotre, G Gogniat, P Benoit
IEEE Access 8, 83871-83900, 2020
Run-time detection of prime+ probe side-channel attack on AES encryption algorithm
M Mushtaq, A Akram, MK Bhatti, RNB Rais, V Lapotre, G Gogniat
2018 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), 1-5, 2018
Hardware/software co-design of an accelerator for FV homomorphic encryption scheme using Karatsuba algorithm
V Migliore, MM Real, V Lapotre, A Tisserand, C Fontaine, G Gogniat
IEEE Transactions on Computers 67 (3), 335-347, 2016
A trace-driven approach for fast and accurate simulation of manycore architectures
A Butko, R Garibotti, L Ost, V Lapotre, A Gamatie, G Sassatelli, ...
The 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 707-712, 2015
Machine learning for security: The case of side-channel attack detection at run-time
M Mushtaq, A Akram, MK Bhatti, M Chaudhry, M Yousaf, U Farooq, ...
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2018
Winter is here! A decade of cache-based side-channel attacks, detection & mitigation for RSA
M Mushtaq, MA Mukhtar, V Lapotre, MK Bhatti, G Gogniat
Information Systems 92, 101524, 2020
ARMHEx: A hardware extension for DIFT on ARM-based SoCs
MA Wahab, P Cotret, MN Allah, G Hiet, V Lapotre, G Gogniat
2017 27th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and …, 2017
Meet the Sherlock Holmes’ of side channel leakage: A survey of cache SCA detection techniques
A Akram, M Mushtaq, MK Bhatti, V Lapotre, G Gogniat
IEEE Access 8, 70836-70860, 2020
A high-speed accelerator for homomorphic encryption using the karatsuba algorithm
V Migliore, C Seguin, MM Real, V Lapotre, A Tisserand, C Fontaine, ...
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 16 (5s), 1-17, 2017
Flush+ prefetch: A countermeasure against access-driven cache-based side-channel attacks
MA Mukhtar, M Mushtaq, MK Bhatti, V Lapotre, G Gogniat
Journal of Systems Architecture 104, 101698, 2020
Dynamic spatially isolated secure zones for NoC-based many-core accelerators
MM Real, P Wehner, V Migliore, V Lapotre, D Göhringert, G Gogniat
2016 11th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric …, 2016
Somewhat/fully homomorphic encryption: Implementation progresses and challenges
G Bonnoron, C Fontaine, G Gogniat, V Herbert, V Lapôtre, V Migliore, ...
Codes, Cryptology and Information Security: Second International Conference …, 2017
Cache-based side-channel intrusion detection using hardware performance counters
M Mushtaq, A Akram, MK Bhatti, V Lapotre, G Gogniat
CryptArchi 2018-16th International Workshops on Cryptographic architectures …, 2018
Dynamic branch prediction for high-level synthesis
V Lapotre, P Coussy, C Chavet, H Wouafo, R Danilo
2013 23rd International Conference on Field programmable Logic and …, 2013
Processor extensions for hardware instruction replay against fault injection attacks
NA Manssour, V Lapotre, G Gogniat, A Tisserand
2022 25th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic …, 2022
Sherlock holmes of cache side-channel attacks in Intel's x86 architecture
M Mushtaq, A Akram, MK Bhatti, U Ali, V Lapotre, G Gogniat
2019 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 1-9, 2019
A small and adaptive coprocessor for information flow tracking in ARM SoCs
MA Wahab, P Cotret, MN Allah, G Hiet, AK Biswas, V Lapotre, G Gogniat
2018 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs …, 2018
Performance exploration of partially connected 3D NoCs under manufacturing variability
A Kologeski, FL Kastensmidt, V Lapotre, A Gamatié, G Sassatelli, ...
2014 IEEE 12th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 61-64, 2014
The Kingsguard OS-level mitigation against cache side-channel attacks using runtime detection
M Mushtaq, MM Yousaf, MK Bhatti, V Lapotre, G Gogniat
Annals of Telecommunications 77 (11), 731-747, 2022
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