Susanne Lorenz
Cited by
Cited by
Adaptation planning and the use of climate change projections in local government in England and Germany
S Lorenz, S Dessai, PM Forster, J Paavola
Regional Environmental Change, 2016
Tailoring the visual communication of climate projections for local adaptation practitioners in Germany and the UK
S Lorenz, S Dessai, P Forster, J Paavola
Philosophical Transactions A 373 (2055), 1-17, 2015
Interpreting climate data visualisations to inform adaptation decisions
JD Daron, S Lorenz, P Wolski, RC Blamey, C Jack
Climate Risk Management 10, 17-26, 2015
The visual framing of climate change impacts & adaptation in the IPCC Assessment Reports.
A Wardekker, S Lorenz
Climatic Change, 20, 2019
Equipped to deal with uncertainty in climate and impacts predictions: lessons from internal peer review
A Wesselink, AJ Challinor, J Watson, K Beven, I Allen, H Hanlon, A Lopez, ...
Climatic Change 132 (1), 1-14, 2015
Time for a systematic review: A response to Bassett and Fogelman’s “Déjà vu or something new? The adaptation concept in the climate change literature”
S Lorenz, R Berman, J Dixon, S Lebel
Geoforum 51, 252-255, 2014
The communication of physical science uncertainty in European National Adaptation Strategies
S Lorenz, S Dessai, J Paavola, PM Forster
Climatic Change 132 (1), 143-155, 2015
Identifying and tracking key climate adaptation actors in the United Kingdom
S Lorenz, J Porter, S Dessai
Regional Environmental Change, 14, 2019
Food security: near future projections of the impact of drought in Asia.
P Forster, L Jackson, S Lorenz, E Simelton, E Fraser, K & Bahadur
Using and visualising climate projections for adaptation planning in local government in the UK–a user study of adaptation practitioners
S Lorenz
Communicating and visualising climate projections–user preferences and abilities amongst adaptation practitioners in local authorities in Germany
S Lorenz
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Articles 1–11