Nancy L Russo
Nancy L Russo
Lecturer of Computer Science, Malmö University
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Software development method tailoring at Motorola
B Fitzgerald, NL Russo, T O'Kane
Communications of the ACM 46 (4), 64-70, 2003
Studying system development methodologies: an examination of research methods
JL Wynekoop, NL Russo
Information Systems Journal 7 (1), 47-65, 1997
The turnaround of the London ambulance service computer-aided despatch system (LASCAD)
G Fitzgerald, NL Russo
European Journal of Information Systems 14 (3), 244-257, 2005
Systems development methodologies: unanswered questions
JL Wynekoop, NL Russo
Journal of Information technology 10 (2), 65-73, 1995
System Development methodologies: unanswered questions and the research-practice gap
JL Wynekoop, NL Russo
ICIS, 181-190, 1993
Exploring the assumptions underlying information systems methodologies: their impact on past, present and future ISM research
NL Russo, E Stolterman
Information technology & people 13 (4), 313-327, 2000
The use and adaptation of system development methodologies
N Russo, J Wynekoop, D Walz
Managing Information & Communications in a Changing Global Environment, Idea …, 1995
An empirical study of system development method tailoring in practice
B Fitzgerald, N Russo, T O'Kane
ECIS 2000 Proceedings, 4, 2000
The failure of methodologies to meet the needs of current development environments
NL Russo, R Hightower, JM Pearson
Proceedings of the british computer society’s annual conference on …, 1996
Understanding the Environment
NL Russo
Methodologies for Developing and Managing Emerging Technology Based …, 2013
A first step in developing a Web application design methodology: understanding the environment
NL Russo, BR Graham
Methodologies for Developing and Managing Emerging Technology Based …, 1999
Design and diffusion of systems for human benefit: toward more humanistic realisation of information systems in society
JR Venable, J Pries-Heje, D Bunker, NL Russo
Information Technology & People 24 (3), 208-216, 2011
The paradox of information systems methods: public and private rationality
E Stolterman, NL Russo
Proceedings of the British Computer Society 5th Annual Conference on …, 1997
Human Benefit through the Diffusion of Information Systems Design Science Research: IFIP WG 8.2/8.6 International Working Conference, Perth, Australia, March 30-April 1, 2010 …
J Pries-Heje, JJ Venable, D Bunker, N Russo, J DeGross
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
An assessment of systems analysis and design courses
MM Misic, NL Russo
Journal of Systems and Software 45 (3), 197-202, 1999
Expanding the horizons of information systems development
NL Russo
Organizational and social perspectives on information technology, 103-112, 2000
Developing applications for the web: exploring differences between traditional and world wide web application development
N Russo
Managing Web-Enabled Technologies in Organizations: A Global Perspective: A …, 1999
Exploring adoption and use of agile methods: A comparative case study
NL Russo, G Fitzgerald, S Shams
Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development: The Social and Organizational Perspective
N Russo, B Fitzgerald, J DeGross
Springer, 2013
Educating systems analysts: A comparison of educators' and practitioners' opinions concerning the relative importance of systems analyst tasks and skills
M Misic, N Russo
Journal of Computer Information Systems 36 (4), 86-91, 1996
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Articles 1–20