Senthil Kumaran D
Senthil Kumaran D
Additional Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, MCHP, MAHE
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Cited by
Effect of strength and balance training in children with Down’s syndrome: a randomized controlled trial
S Gupta, BK Rao, SD Kumaran
Clinical rehabilitation 25 (5), 425-432, 2011
Global, regional, and national burden of spinal cord injury, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
M Safdarian, E Trinka, V Rahimi-Movaghar, A Thomschewski, A Aali, ...
The Lancet Neurology 22 (11), 1026-1047, 2023
Global, regional, and national burden of meningitis and its aetiologies, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
HY Wunrow, RG Bender, A Vongpradith, SB Sirota, LR Swetschinski, ...
The Lancet Neurology 22 (8), 685-711, 2023
Analysis of postural stability in children with cerebral palsy and children with typical development: an observational study
S Saxena, BK Rao, S Kumaran
Pediatric Physical Therapy 26 (3), 325-330, 2014
Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
VL Feigin, MD Abate, YH Abate, S Abd ElHafeez, F Abd-Allah, ...
The Lancet Neurology 23 (10), 973-1003, 2024
Patient and public involvement in research: a review of practical resources for young investigators
A Arumugam, LR Phillips, A Moore, SD Kumaran, KK Sampath, ...
BMC rheumatology 7 (1), 2, 2023
Development and validation of educational leaflet for caregivers of preterm infants
S Khurana, BK Rao, LES Lewis, R Bhat, J Purkayastha, A Kamath, ...
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR 10 (7), YC01, 2016
Postural sway in diabetic peripheral neuropathy among Indian elderly
S Dixit, A Maiya, BA Shasthry, DS Kumaran, V Guddattu
Indian Journal of Medical Research 142 (6), 713-720, 2015
Impact of physical therapy on burden of caregivers of individuals with functional disability
A Narekuli, K Raja, DS Kumaran
Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development 22 (1), 108-119, 2011
Development of strategies to support home-based exercise adherence after stroke: a Delphi consensus
A Mahmood, A Deshmukh, M Natarajan, D Marsden, G Vyslysel, ...
BMJ open 12 (1), e055946, 2022
Effectiveness of an intensive, functional, gamified Rehabilitation program in improving upper limb motor function in people with stroke: A protocol of the EnteRtain randomized …
AS Ali, A Arumugam
Contemporary Clinical Trials 105, 106381, 2021
Levels of physical activity and quality of life among community-dwelling adults with stroke in a developing country
P Nayak, SD Kumaran, AS Babu, AG Maiya, JM Solomon
European Journal of Physiotherapy 23 (3), 165-170, 2021
Energy expenditure during standing in children with cerebral palsy: A brief report 1
S Saxena, S Kumaran, BK Rao
Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine 9 (3), 241-245, 2016
Short-term balance training with computer-based feedback in children with cerebral palsy: A feasibility and pilot randomized trial
S Saxena, BK Rao, KD Senthil
Developmental Neurorehabilitation 20 (3), 115-120, 2017
Resistance exercise training for hypertension
B Chandrasekaran, A Arumugam, F Davis, RS Devi
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017 (9), 2017
Neonatal PT improves neurobehavior and general movements in moderate to late preterm infants born in India: An RCT
S Khurana, BK Rao, LE Lewis, SD Kumaran, A Kamath, C Einspieler, ...
Pediatric Physical Therapy 33 (4), 208-216, 2021
Does the environment cause changes in hemiparetic lower limb muscle activity and gait velocity during walking in stroke survivors?
J D'souza, M Natarajan
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 29 (10), 105174, 2020
Adaptive sports for promoting physical activity in community-dwelling adults with stroke: A feasibility study
P Nayak, A Mahmood, M Natarajan, B Unnikrishnan, JM Solomon
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 28, 341-347, 2021
Technological interventions in stuttering: A systematic review
C Chaudhary, S John, S Kumaran D, V Guddattu, G Krishnan
Technology and Disability 34 (4), 201-222, 2022
Patient and public involvement in research: a review of practical resources for young investigators. BMC Rheumatol 2023 Mar 9; 7 (1): 2
A Arumugam, LR Phillips, A Moore, SD Kumaran, KK Sampath, ...
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Articles 1–20