Arnab K. Basu
Arnab K. Basu
Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell university, Ithaca, NY 14850.
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Cited by
Label performance and the willingness to pay for Fair Trade coffee: a cross‐national perspective
AK Basu, RL Hicks
International Journal of Consumer Studies 32 (5), 470-478, 2008
Turning a Blind Eye: Costly Enforcement, Credible Commitment and Minimum Wage Laws*
AK Basu, NH Chau, R Kanbur
the economic journal 120 (543), 244-269, 2010
Transnational trafficking, law enforcement, and victim protection: A middleman trafficker’s perspective
R Akee, AK Basu, A Bedi, NH Chau
The Journal of Law and Economics 57 (2), 349-386, 2014
Transnational trafficking, law enforcement, and victim protection: A middleman trafficker’s perspective
R Akee, AK Basu, A Bedi, NH Chau
The Journal of Law and Economics 57 (2), 349-386, 2014
Impact of rural employment guarantee schemes on seasonal labor markets: optimum compensation and workers’ welfare
AK Basu
The Journal of Economic Inequality 11, 1-34, 2013
A theory of employment guarantees: Contestability, credibility and distributional concerns
AK Basu, NH Chau, R Kanbur
Journal of Public economics 93 (3-4), 482-497, 2009
Eco‐Labeling and Stages of Development
AK Basu, NH Chau, U Grote
Review of Development Economics 7 (2), 228-247, 2003
Chapter 28 Ethnic Fragmentation, Conflict, Displaced Persons and Human Trafficking: An Empirical Analysis
RKQ Akee, AK Basu, NH Chau, M Khamis
Migration and culture, 691-716, 2010
Exploitation of child labor and the dynamics of debt bondage
AK Basu, NH Chau
Journal of Economic Growth 9, 209-238, 2004
Guaranteed manufactured without child labor: the economics of consumer boycotts, social labeling and trade sanctions
AK Basu, NH Chau, U Grote
Review of Development Economics 10 (3), 466-491, 2006
Economic reform, informal–formal sector linkages and intervention in the informal sector in developing countries: A paradox
H Arvin-Rad, AK Basu, M Willumsen
International Review of Economics & Finance 19 (4), 662-670, 2010
On the adoption of genetically modified seeds in developing countries and the optimal types of government intervention
AK Basu, M Qaim
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89 (3), 784-804, 2007
Targeting child labor in debt bondage: evidence, theory, and policy implications
AK Basu, NH Chau
The World Bank Economic Review 17 (2), 255-281, 2003
On export rivalry and the greening of agriculture–the role of eco‐labels
AK Basu, NH Chau, U Grote
Agricultural Economics 31 (2‐3), 135-147, 2004
Contractual dualism, market power and informality
AK Basu, NH Chau, R Kanbur
The Economic Journal 125 (589), 1534-1573, 2015
Job creation in a multi-sector labour market model for developing economies
AK Basu, NH Chau, GS Fields, R Kanbur
Oxford Economic Papers 71 (1), 119-144, 2019
Determinants of trafficking in women and children: Cross-national evidence, theory and policy implications
R Akee, A Basu, A Bedi, N Chau
Unpublished paper, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany, 2007
Child Labor and the International Policy Debate-The Education/Child Labor Trade-Off and the Consequences of Trade Sanctions
U Grote, AK Basu, D Weinhold
University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF) Discussion Papers, 1998
Oligopsonistic landlords, segmented labor markets, and the persistence of tied-labor contracts
AK Basu
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84 (2), 438-453, 2002
New frontiers in environmental and social labeling
U Grote, AK Basu, NH Chau
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
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Articles 1–20