Prof. Pete Burnap
Prof. Pete Burnap
Professor of Data Science & Cybersecurity, Cardiff University School of Computer Science
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Cited by
Cyber hate speech on twitter: An application of machine classification and statistical modeling for policy and decision making
P Burnap, ML Williams
Policy & Internet 7 (2), 223-242, 2015
A review of cyber security risk assessment methods for SCADA systems
Y Cherdantseva, P Burnap, A Blyth, P Eden, K Jones, H Soulsby, ...
Computers & Security 56, 1-27, 2016
A Supervised Intrusion Detection System for Smart Home IoT Devices
E Anthi, L Williams, M Słowińska, G Theodorakopoulos, P Burnap
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (5), 9042-9053, 2019
Towards an ethical framework for publishing Twitter data in social research: taking into account users’ views, online context and algorithmic estimation
ML Williams, P Burnap, L Sloan
Sociology 51 (6), 1149-1168, 2017
Us and them: identifying cyber hate on Twitter across multiple protected characteristics
P Burnap, ML Williams
EPJ Data science 5, 1-15, 2016
Who tweets? Deriving the demographic characteristics of age, occupation and social class from Twitter user meta-data
L Sloan, J Morgan, P Burnap, M Williams
PloS one 10 (3), e0115545, 2015
Tweeting the terror: modelling the social media reaction to the Woolwich terrorist attack
P Burnap, ML Williams, L Sloan, O Rana, W Housley, A Edwards, ...
Social Network Analysis and Mining 4 (1), 206, 2014
Early-stage malware prediction using recurrent neural networks
M Rhode, P Burnap, K Jones
Computers & Security 77, 578-594, 2018
Hate in the Machine: Anti-Black and Anti-Muslim Social Media Posts as Predictors of Offline Racially and Religiously Aggravated Crime
ML Williams, P Burnap, A Javed, H Liu, S Ozalp
The British Journal of Criminology 60 (1), 93-117, 2020
140 characters to victory?: Using Twitter to predict the UK 2015 General Election
P Burnap, R Gibson, L Sloan, R Southern, M Williams
Electoral Studies 41, 230-233, 2016
Machine Classification and Analysis of Suicide-Related Communication on Twitter
P Burnap, W Colombo, J Scourfield
Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media, 75-84, 2015
Detecting tension in online communities with computational Twitter analysis
P Burnap, OF Rana, N Avis, M Williams, W Housley, A Edwards, J Morgan, ...
Technol Forecast Social Change, 2013
Cyberhate on social media in the aftermath of Woolwich: A case study in computational criminology and big data
ML Williams, P Burnap
British Journal of Criminology 56 (2), 211-238, 2016
Knowing the Tweeters: Deriving sociologically relevant demographics from Twitter
L Sloan, J Morgan, W Housley, M Williams, A Edwards, P Burnap, O Rana
Sociological research online 18 (3), 74-84, 2013
Crime sensing with big data: The affordances and limitations of using open-source communications to estimate crime patterns
ML Williams, P Burnap, L Sloan
British Journal of Criminology 57 (2), 320-340, 2017
Adversarial attacks on machine learning cybersecurity defences in industrial control systems
E Anthi, L Williams, M Rhode, P Burnap, A Wedgbury
Journal of Information Security and Applications 58, 102717, 2021
Analysing the connectivity and communication of suicidal users on twitter
GB Colombo, P Burnap, A Hodorog, J Scourfield
Computer Communications 73, 291-300, 2016
Cybersecurity of industrial cyber-physical systems: a review
H Kayan, M Nunes, O Rana, P Burnap, C Perera
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (11s), 1-35, 2022
Big and broad social data and the sociological imagination: A collaborative response
W Housley, R Procter, A Edwards, P Burnap, M Williams, L Sloan, O Rana, ...
Big Data & Society 1 (2), 2053951714545135, 2014
Malware classification using self organising feature maps and machine activity data
P Burnap, R French, F Turner, K Jones
Computers & Security 73, 399-410, 2018
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Articles 1–20