Nicholas J. Sitko
Nicholas J. Sitko
UN Food and Agriculture Organization
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Africa's changing farm size distribution patterns: the rise of medium‐scale farms
TS Jayne, J Chamberlin, L Traub, N Sitko, M Muyanga, FK Yeboah, ...
Agricultural Economics 47 (S1), 197-214, 2016
Structural transformation or elite land capture? The growth of “emergent” farmers in Zambia
NJ Sitko, TS Jayne
Food Policy 48, 194-202, 2014
Heterogeneous impact of livelihood diversification on household welfare: Cross-country evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
S Asfaw, A Scognamillo, G Di Caprera, N Sitko, A Ignaciuk
World Development 117, 278-295, 2019
Sustainable agricultural intensification in an era of rural transformation in Africa
TS Jayne, S Snapp, F Place, N Sitko
Global Food Security 20, 105-113, 2019
A farm gate-to-consumer value chain analysis of Kenya's maize marketing system
L Kirimi, N Sitko, TS Jayne, F Karin, M Muyanga, M Sheahan, J Flock, ...
Is the scramble for land in Africa foreclosing a smallholder agricultural expansion strategy?
TS Jayne, A Chapoto, N Sitko, C Nkonde, M Muyanga, J Chamberlin
Journal of International Affairs, 35-53, 2014
Climate trends and farmers’ perceptions of climate change in Zambia
BP Mulenga, A Wineman, NJ Sitko
Environmental management 59, 291-306, 2017
Patterns and trends in food staples markets in Eastern and Southern Africa: Toward the identification of priority investments and strategies for developing markets and …
TS Jayne, NM Mason, RJ Myers, JN Ferris, D Mather, N Sitko, M Beaver, ...
Does smallholder land titling facilitate agricultural growth?: An analysis of the determinants and effects of smallholder land titling in Zambia
NJ Sitko, J Chamberlin, M Hichaambwa
World Development 64, 791-802, 2014
Exploitative briefcase businessmen, parasites, and other myths and legends: assembly traders and the performance of maize markets in eastern and southern Africa
NJ Sitko, TS Jayne
World development 54, 56-67, 2014
Technical compendium: Descriptive agricultural statistics and analysis for Zambia in support of the USAID mission’s Feed the Future Strategic Review
NJ Sitko, A Chapoto, S Kabwe, S Tembo, M Hichaambwa, R Lubinda, ...
Malawi’s maize marketing system
TS Jayne, NJ Sitko, J Ricker-Gilbert, JH Mangisoni
The geography of Zambia’s customary land: Assessing the prospects for smallholder development
NJ Sitko, J Chamberlin
Land Use Policy 55, 49-60, 2016
Technical compendium: descriptive agricultural statistics and analysis for Zambia
S Tembo, N Sitko
Does minimum tillage with planting basins or ripping raise maize yields? Meso-panel data evidence from Zambia
H Ngoma, NM Mason, NJ Sitko
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 212, 21-29, 2015
Why are African commodity exchanges languishing? A case study of the Zambian Agricultural Commodity Exchange
NJ Sitko, TS Jayne
Food Policy 37 (3), 275-282, 2012
Fractured governance and local frictions: the exclusionary nature of a clandestine land market in Southern Zambia
NJ Sitko
Africa 80 (1), 36-55, 2010
The quiet rise of large-scale trading firms in East and Southern Africa
NJ Sitko, WJ Burke, TS Jayne
The Transformation of Rural Africa, 129-148, 2020
Can the FISP more effectively achieve food production and poverty reduction goals?
WJ Burke, TS Jayne, NJ Sitko
Adapting to high temperatures: effect of farm practices and their adoption duration on total value of crop production in Uganda
G Maggio, M Mastrorillo, NJ Sitko
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104 (1), 385-403, 2022
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