Jean-Claude Vannier
Jean-Claude Vannier
Professeur CentraleSupelec
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Flying capacitor multilevel inverters and DTC motor drive applications
MF Escalante, JC Vannier, A Arzandé
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 49 (4), 809-815, 2002
An energy-based controller for HVDC modular multilevel converter in decoupled double synchronous reference frame for voltage oscillation reduction
G Bergna, E Berne, P Egrot, P Lefranc, A Arzande, JC Vannier, M Molinas
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (6), 2360-2371, 2012
Optimization of magnet segmentation for reduction of eddy-current losses in permanent magnet synchronous machine
WY Huang, A Bettayeb, R Kaczmarek, JC Vannier
IEEE Transactions on energy conversion 25 (2), 381-387, 2010
Multiphysic modeling of a high-speed interior permanent-magnet synchronous machine for a multiobjective optimal design
X Jannot, JC Vannier, C Marchand, M Gabsi, J Saint-Michel, D Sadarnac
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 26 (2), 457-467, 2010
Multiobjective location of automatic voltage regulators in a radial distribution network using a micro genetic algorithm
JE Mendoza, DA Morales, RA Lopez, EA Lopez, JC Vannier, CAC Coello
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (1), 404-412, 2007
A generalized power control approach in ABC frame for modular multilevel converter HVDC links based on mathematical optimization
G Bergna, A Garcés, E Berne, P Egrot, A Arzandé, JC Vannier, M Molinas
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (1), 386-394, 2013
An improved direct feedback linearization technique for transient stability enhancement and voltage regulation of power generators
G Kenné, R Goma, H Nkwawo, F Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A Arzandé, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 32 (7), 809-816, 2010
An online simplified rotor resistance estimator for induction motors
G Kenné, RS Simo, F Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A Arzandé, JC Vannier
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 18 (5), 1188-1194, 2009
Multiphysics design of a V-shape IPM motor
P Akiki, MH Hassan, M Bensetti, P Dessante, JC Vannier, D Prieto, ...
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 33 (3), 1141-1153, 2018
Analytical calculation of rotor magnet eddy-current losses for high speed IPMSM
A Bettayeb, X Jannot, JC Vannier
The XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines-ICEM 2010, 1-6, 2010
Mitigating DC-side power oscillations and negative sequence load currents in modular multilevel converters under unbalanced faults-first approach using resonant PI
G Bergna, JA Suul, E Berne, P Egrot, P Lefranc, JC Vannier, M Molinas
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
Multi-terminal dc grid overall control with modular multilevel converters
MJ Carrizosa, N Stankovic, JC Vannier, YE Shklyarskiy, AI Bardanov
Записки Горного института 243, 357-370, 2020
Optimal shaping of the MMC circulating currents for preventing AC-side power oscillations from propagating into HVdc grids
G Bergna-Diaz, JA Suul, E Berne, JC Vannier, M Molinas
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 7 (2 …, 2019
Effect of magnets on average torque and power factor of Synchronous Reluctance Motors
D Prieto, B Dagusé, P Dessante, P Vidal, JC Vannier
2012 XXth International Conference on Electrical Machines, 213-219, 2012
Stand-alone wind energy conversion system with maximum power transfer control
M López, JC Vannier
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería 17 (3), 329-336, 2009
An analytical model for interior permanent-magnet synchronous machine with circumferential magnetization design
X Jannot, JC Vannier, J Saint-Michel, M Gabsi, C Marchand, D Sadarnac
2009 8th International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion …, 2009
Direct approach for balancing the capacitor voltages of a 5-level flying capacitor converter
MF Escalante, JC Vannier
Proceedings of EPE 99, 1999
Modular multilevel converter leg-energy controller in rotating reference frame for voltage oscillations reduction
G Bergna, JC Vannier, P Lefranc, A Arzandé, E Berne, P Egrot, M Molinas
2012 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed …, 2012
Real-time transient stabilization and voltage regulation of power generators with unknown mechanical power input
G Kenné, R Goma, H Nkwawo, F Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A Arzandé, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 51 (1), 218-224, 2010
Optimal location of voltage regulators in radial distribution networks using genetic algorithms
J Mendoza, D Morales, R Lopez, M Lopez, E Lopez, JC Vannier
Proc. 15th Power Systems Computation Conf, 2005
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Articles 1–20