David Altman
Cited by
Cited by
V-Dem Codebook v9
M Coppedge, J Gerring, CH Knutsen, SI Lindberg, J Teorell, D Altman, ...
V-Dem [country-year/country-date] dataset v8
M Coppedge, J Gerring, CH Knutsen, SI Lindberg, J Teorell, D Altman, ...
Varieties of democracy (V-dem) project, 122-142, 2018
Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: A New Approach
M Coppedge, J Gerring, D Altman, M Bernhard, S Fish, A Hicken, ...
Perspectives on Politics 9 (2), 247-267, 2011
Direct Democracy Worldwide
D Altman
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Assessing the Quality of Democracy: Freedom, Competitiveness and Participation in Eighteen Latin American Countries
D Altman, A Pérez-Liñán
Democratization 9 (2), 85-100, 2002
V-dem [country–year/country–date] dataset v10. varieties of democracy (v-dem) project
M Coppedge, J Gerring, CH Knutsen, SI Lindberg, J Teorell, D Altman, ...
V-Dem Institute, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg …, 2020
The Politics of Coalition Formation and Survival in Multiparty Presidential Democracies
D Altman
Party Politics 6 (3), 259-283, 2000
Uprooted but Stable: Chilean Parties and the Concept of Party System Institutionalization
JP Luna, D Altman
Latin American Politics and Society 53 (2), 1-28, 2011
V-Dem: A New Way to Measure Democracy
M Coppedge, J Gerring, SI Lindberg, J Teorell, D Pemstein, E Tzelgov, ...
Journal of Democracy 25 (3), 159-169, 2014
V-dem methodology v9
M Coppedge, J Gerring, CH Knutsen, SI Lindberg, J Teorell, ...
V-dem working paper forthcoming, 2019
Democracia directa en el continente americano: ¿autolegitimación gubernamental o censura ciudadana?
D Altman
Política y Gobierno 12 (2), 203-232, 2005
Defiance in the face of autocratization. Democracy report 2023
E Papada, D Altman, F Angiolillo, L Gastaldi, T Köhler, M Lundstedt, ...
Democracy Report, 2023
La institucionalización de la Ciencia Política en Chile y América Latina: Una mirada desde el sur
D Altman
Revista de Ciencia Política 25 (1), 03-15, 2005
V-Dem [Country-Year/Country-Date] Dataset v9. edited by Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project
M Coppedge, J Gerring, CH Knutsen, SI Lindberg, J Teorell, D Altman, ...
Gothenburg, 2019
Citizenship and Contemporary Direct Democracy
D Altman
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Redibujando el mapa electoral chileno: incidencia de factores socioeconómicos y género en las urnas
D Altman
Revista de Ciencia Política 24 (2), 49-66, 2004
V-Dem Codebook V10, Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project
M Coppedge, J Gerring, CH Knutsen, SI Lindberg, J Teorell, D Altman, ...
Retrieved June 20, 2019, 2020
Plebiscitos, referendos e iniciativas populares en América Latina: ¿mecanismos de control político o políticamente controlados?
D Altman
Perfiles Latinoamericanos 18 (35), 9-34, 2010
V-Dem Codebook v9. varieties of democracy (V-Dem) project
M Coppedge, J Gerring, CH Knutsen, SI Lindberg, SE Skaaning, J Teorell, ...
University of Gothenburg, V-Dem Institute, 2019
Partidos y sistemas de partidos en América Latina: Aproximaciones desde la encuesta a expertos 2009
D Altman, JP Luna, R Piñeiro, S Toro
Revista de ciencia política (Santiago) 29 (3), 775-798, 2009
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Articles 1–20