Scott Richardson
Scott Richardson
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Cited by
Over-investment of free cash flow
S Richardson
Review of accounting studies 11, 159-189, 2006
Accrual reliability, earnings persistence and stock prices
SA Richardson, RG Sloan, MT Soliman, I Tuna
Journal of accounting and economics 39 (3), 437-485, 2005
Corporate governance, accounting outcomes, and organizational performance
DF Larcker, SA Richardson, I Tuna
The accounting review 82 (4), 963-1008, 2007
Short-sellers, fundamental analysis, and stock returns
PM Dechow, AP Hutton, L Meulbroek, RG Sloan
Journal of financial Economics 61 (1), 77-106, 2001
Does investor misvaluation drive the takeover market?
M Dong, D Hirshleifer, S Richardson, SH Teoh
The Journal of Finance 61 (2), 725-762, 2006
Fees paid to audit firms, accrual choices, and corporate governance
DF Larcker, SA Richardson
Journal of accounting research 42 (3), 625-658, 2004
Why are earnings kinky? An examination of the earnings management explanation
PM Dechow, SA Richardson, I Tuna
Review of accounting studies 8, 355-384, 2003
Do analysts and auditors use information in accruals?
MT Bradshaw, SA Richardson, RG Sloan
Journal of Accounting research 39 (1), 45-74, 2001
The walk‐down to beatable analyst forecasts: The role of equity issuance and insider trading incentives
S Richardson, SH Teoh, PD Wysocki
Contemporary accounting research 21 (4), 885-924, 2004
The relation between corporate financing activities, analysts’ forecasts and stock returns
MT Bradshaw, SA Richardson, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 42 (1-2), 53-85, 2006
Accounting anomalies and fundamental analysis: A review of recent research advances
S Richardson, I Tuna, P Wysocki
Journal of Accounting and Economics 50 (2-3), 410-454, 2010
Predicting earnings management: The case of earnings restatements
S Richardson, I Tuna, M Wu
Social science research network working paper series, 2002
The book‐to‐price effect in stock returns: accounting for leverage
SH Penman, SA Richardson, I Tuna
Journal of accounting research 45 (2), 427-467, 2007
The economics of urban size
H Richardson
Saxon House, 1973
The implications of accounting distortions and growth for accruals and profitability
SA Richardson, RG Sloan, MT Soliman, I Tuna
The Accounting Review 81 (3), 713-743, 2006
How important is corporate governance?
DF Larcker, SA Richardson, A Tuna
Available at SSRN 595821, 2005
A short-term mechanistic model of forage and livestock in the semi-arid Succulent Karoo: 1. Description of the model and sensitivity analyses
FD Richardson, BD Hahn
Agricultural Systems 95 (1-3), 49-61, 2007
The governance of mediaeval England from the Conquest to Magna Carta
HG Richardson, GO Sayles
Edinburgh University publications/History, philosophy and economics, 1964
Information in Accruals about the Quality of Earnings
SA Richardson, RG Sloan, MT Soliman, A Tuna
Available at SSRN 278308, 2001
Tracking analysts' forecasts over the annual earnings horizon: Are analysts' forecasts optimistic or pessimistic?
SA Richardson, SH Teoh, PD Wysocki
Available at SSRN 168191, 1999
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Articles 1–20