Martin Rossi
Martin Rossi
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Cited by
Strengthening state capabilities: The role of financial incentives in the call to public service
E Dal Bó, F Finan, MA Rossi
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 128 (3), 1169-1218, 2013
How different is the efficiency of public and private water companies in Asia?
A Estache, MA Rossi
The World Bank Economic Review 16 (1), 139-148, 2002
Corruption and inefficiency: Theory and evidence from electric utilities
E Dal Bó, MA Rossi
Journal of Public Economics 91 (5-6), 939-962, 2007
The case for international coordination of electricity regulation: evidence from the measurement of efficiency in South America
A Estache, MA Rossi, CA Ruzzier
Journal of Regulatory Economics 25, 271-295, 2004
The labor market return to an attractive face: Evidence from a field experiment
FL Bóo, MA Rossi, SS Urzúa
Economics Letters 118 (1), 170-172, 2013
Term length and the effort of politicians
E Dal Bó, MA Rossi
The Review of Economic Studies 78 (4), 1237-1263, 2011
Conscription and crime: Evidence from the Argentine draft lottery
S Galiani, MA Rossi, E Schargrodsky
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3 (2), 119-136, 2011
COVID-19 lockdowns and domestic violence: Evidence from two studies in Argentina
SM Perez-Vincent, E Carreras, MA Gibbons, TE Murphy, M Rossi
Inter-American Development Bank, 2020
Frustration, euphoria, and violent crime
I Munyo, MA Rossi
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 89, 136-142, 2013
Evaluating a program of public funding of private innovation activities: An econometric study of FONTAR in Argentina
D Chudnovsky, A López, M Rossi, D Ubfal
Inter-American Development Bank, 2006
Money for science? The impact of research grants on academic output
D Chudnovsky, A López, MA Rossi, D Ubfal
Fiscal Studies 29 (1), 75-87, 2008
On the regulatory application of efficiency measures
MA Rossi, CA Ruzzier
Utilities Policy 9 (2), 81-92, 2000
Technical change and efficiency measures: the post-privatisation in the gas distribution sector in Argentina
MA Rossi
Energy Economics 23 (3), 295-304, 2001
Do regulation and ownership drive the efficiency of electricity distribution? Evidence from Latin America
A Estache, MA Rossi
Economics Letters 86 (2), 253-257, 2005
Term length and political performance
E Dal Bó, M Rossi
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2008
Comparing the performance of public and private water companies in the Asia and Pacific region: what a stochastic costs frontier shows
A Estache, MA Rossi
World Bank Publications, 1999
First-day criminal recidivism
I Munyo, MA Rossi
Journal of Public Economics 124, 81-90, 2015
Self‐perpetuation of political power
MA Rossi
The Economic Journal 127 (605), F455-F473, 2017
Following the poppy trail: Origins and consequences of Mexican drug cartels
TE Murphy, MA Rossi
Journal of Development Economics 143, 102433, 2020
Have consumers benefited from the reforms in the electricity distribution sector in Latin America?
A Estache, MA Rossi
World Bank Publications, 2004
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Articles 1–20