Boris Andrievsky
Boris Andrievsky
Leading Reseach Fellow of Automatic Control, Russian Academy of Science
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Control of chaos: methods and applications. I. Methods
BR Andrievskii, AL Fradkov
Automation and remote control 64, 673-713, 2003
Control of chaos: methods and applications. II. Applications
BR Andrievskii, AL Fradkov
Automation and remote control 65, 505-533, 2004
Method of passification in adaptive control, estimation, and synchronization
BR Andrievskii, AL Fradkov
Automation and Remote Control 67 (11), 1699-1731, 2006
Control and estimation under information constraints: Toward a unified theory of control, computation and communications
BR Andrievsky, AS Matveev, AL Fradkov
Automation and Remote Control 71 (4), 572-633, 2010
Adaptive control of 3DOF motion for LAAS helicopter benchmark: Design and experiments
B Andrievsky, D Peaucelle, AL Fradkov
2007 American Control Conference, 3312-3317, 2007
Synchronization and phase relations in the motion of two-pendulum system
AL Fradkov, B Andrievsky
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 42 (6), 895-901, 2007
Chaotic observer-based synchronization under information constraints
AL Fradkov, B Andrievsky, RJ Evans
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (6 …, 2006
Hidden oscillations in aircraft flight control system with input saturation
BR Andrievsky, NV Kuznetsov, GA Leonov, AY Pogromsky
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (12), 75-79, 2013
Control of chaos: methods and applications in mechanics
AL Fradkov, RJ Evans, BR Andrievsky
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2006
Izbrannye glavy teorii avtomaticheskogo upravleniya s primerami na yazyke MATLAB
BR Andrievskii, AL Fradkov
Nauka, 1999
Adaptive observer-based synchronization of chaotic systems with first-order coder in the presence of information constraints
AL Fradkov, B Andrievsky, RJ Evans
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 55 (6), 1685-1694, 2008
Adaptive synchronization methods for signal transmission on chaotic carriers
B Andrievsky
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 58 (4-6), 285-293, 2002
Velocity-gradient algorithms in control and adaptation problems
BR Andrievskii, AA Stotskii, AL Fradkov
Automation and Remote Control 49 (12), 1533-1564, 1988
Combined adaptive controller for UAV guidance
A Fradkov, B Andrievsky
European journal of control 11 (1), 71-79, 2005
Feedback Kalman-Yakubovich lemma and its applications to adaptive control
BR Andrievsky, AN Churilov, AL Fradkov
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 4, 4537-4542, 1996
Synchronization of passifiable Lurie systems via limited-capacity communication channel
AL Fradkov, B Andrievsky, RJ Evans
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 56 (2), 430-439, 2008
Shunt compensation for indirect sliding-mode adaptive control
BR Andrievsky, AL Fradkov, AA Stotsky
Proc. 13th Triennial IFAC World Congress, 193-198, 1996
Estimation and control under information constraints for LAAS helicopter benchmark
AL Fradkov, B Andrievsky, D Peaucelle
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 18 (5), 1180-1187, 2009
Control of the coupled double pendulums system
A Fradkov, B Andrievsky, K Boykov
Mechatronics 15 (10), 1289-1303, 2005
Adaptive observers for nonlinear nonpassifiable systems with application to signal transmission
AL Fradov, VO Nikiforov, BR Andrievsky
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2002. 4 …, 2002
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Articles 1–20