Edna Braun
Edna Braun
Transport Canada, University of Ottawa
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Recovering behavioral design models from execution traces
A Hamou-Lhadj, E Braun, D Amyot, T Lethbridge
Ninth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 112-121, 2005
Towards advanced goal model analysis with jUCMNav
D Amyot, A Shamsaei, J Kealey, E Tremblay, A Miga, G Mussbacher, ...
Advances in Conceptual Modeling: ER 2012 Workshops CMS, ECDM-NoCoDA, MoDIC …, 2012
Towards outcome-based regulatory compliance in aviation security
R Tawhid, E Braun, N Cartwright, M Alhaj, G Mussbacher, A Shamsaei, ...
2012 20th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 267-272, 2012
Creating quantitative goal models: Governmental experience
O Akhigbe, M Alhaj, D Amyot, O Badreddin, E Braun, N Cartwright, ...
Conceptual Modeling: 33rd International Conference, ER 2014, Atlanta, GA …, 2014
An approach to specify and analyze goal model families
A Shamsaei, D Amyot, A Pourshahid, E Braun, E Yu, G Mussbacher, ...
System Analysis and Modeling: Theory and Practice: 7th International …, 2013
Regulation-based dimensional modeling for regulatory intelligence
O Badreddin, G Mussbacher, D Amyot, SA Behnam, R Rashidi-Tabrizi, ...
2013 6th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW …, 2013
Using the Goal-oriented pattern family framework for modelling outcome-based regulations
SA Behnam, D Amyot, G Mussbacher, E Braun, N Cartwright, M Saucier
2012 Second IEEE International Workshop on Requirements Patterns (RePa), 35-40, 2012
Generating software documentation in use case maps from filtered execution traces
E Braun, D Amyot, TC Lethbridge
SDL 2015: Model-Driven Engineering for Smart Cities: 17th International SDL …, 2015
Drafting and modeling of regulations: Is it being done backwards?
E Braun, N Cartwright, A Shamsaei, SA Behnam, G Richards, ...
2012 Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law …, 2012
Modeling early availability requirements using aspect-oriented use case maps
J Hassine, G Mussbacher, E Braun, M Alhaj
SDL 2013: Model-Driven Dependability Engineering: 16th International SDL …, 2013
Reverse engineering behavioural models by filtering out utilities from execution traces
E Braun
Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa, 2013
2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C)| 979-8-3503-2498-3/23/$31.00© 2023 IEEE| DOI: 10.1109/MODELS …
S Abrantes, M Abughazala, BV Acker, H Alfraihi, M Alhaj, SJ Ali, B Allaert, ...
Special Session on Convergent Challenges in Legal Requirements Analysis and Mod-eling
O Badreddin, G Mussbacher, D Amyot, SA Behnam, R Rashidi-Tabrizi, ...
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