Christian Keysers
Christian Keysers
Head of Social Brain Lab (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience) and Professor of Social Neurosci
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Both of Us Disgusted in my Insula: The Common Neural Basis of Seeing and Feeling Disgust
B Wicker, C Keysers, J Plailly, JP Royet, V Gallese, G Rizzolatti
Neuron 40 (3), 655-664, 2003
A unifying view of the basis of social cognition
V Gallese, C Keysers, G Rizzolatti
Trends in cognitive sciences 8 (9), 396-403, 2004
Hearing sounds, understanding actions: action representation in mirror neurons
E Kohler, C Keysers, MA Umilta, L Fogassi, V Gallese, G Rizzolatti
Science 297 (5582), 846-848, 2002
The autism brain imaging data exchange: towards a large-scale evaluation of the intrinsic brain architecture in autism
A Di Martino, CG Yan, Q Li, E Denio, FX Castellanos, K Alaerts, ...
Molecular psychiatry 19 (6), 659-667, 2014
I know what you are doing: A neurophysiological study
MA Umilta, E Kohler, V Gallese, L Fogassi, L Fadiga, C Keysers, ...
Neuron 31 (1), 155-165, 2001
A touching sight: SII/PV activation during the observation and experience of touch
C Keysers, B Wicker, V Gazzola, JL Anton, L Fogassi, V Gallese
Neuron 42 (2), 335-346, 2004
Brain-to-brain coupling: a mechanism for creating and sharing a social world
U Hasson, AA Ghazanfar, B Galantucci, S Garrod, C Keysers
Trends in cognitive sciences 16 (2), 114-121, 2012
Empathy and the somatotopic auditory mirror system in humans
V Gazzola, L Aziz-Zadeh, C Keysers
Current biology 16 (18), 1824-1829, 2006
Somatosensation in social perception
C Keysers, JH Kaas, V Gazzola
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11 (6), 417-428, 2010
The anthropomorphic brain: the mirror neuron system responds to human and robotic actions
V Gazzola, G Rizzolatti, B Wicker, C Keysers
Neuroimage 35 (4), 1674-1684, 2007
The observation and execution of actions share motor and somatosensory voxels in all tested subjects: single-subject analyses of unsmoothed fMRI data
V Gazzola, C Keysers
Cerebral cortex 19 (6), 1239-1255, 2009
Demystifying social cognition: a Hebbian perspective
C Keysers, DI Perrett
Trends in cognitive sciences 8 (11), 501-507, 2004
Empathy for positive and negative emotions in the gustatory cortex
M Jabbi, M Swart, C Keysers
Neuroimage 34 (4), 1744-1753, 2007
Integrating simulation and theory of mind: from self to social cognition
C Keysers, V Gazzola
Trends in cognitive sciences 11 (5), 194-196, 2007
Audiovisual mirror neurons and action recognition
C Keysers, E Kohler, MA Umiltą, L Nanetti, L Fogassi, V Gallese
Experimental brain research 153, 628-636, 2003
Towards a unifying neural theory of social cognition
C Keysers, V Gazzola
Progress in brain research 156, 379-401, 2006
Using Bayes factor hypothesis testing in neuroscience to establish evidence of absence
C Keysers, V Gazzola, EJ Wagenmakers
Nature neuroscience 23 (7), 788-799, 2020
Expanding the mirror: vicarious activity for actions, emotions, and sensations
C Keysers, V Gazzola
Current opinion in neurobiology 19 (6), 666-671, 2009
Evidence for mirror systems in emotions
JACJ Bastiaansen, M Thioux, C Keysers
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009
The empathic brain: How the discovery of mirror neurons changes our understanding of human nature
C Keysers
Lulu. com, 2011
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Articles 1–20