Dinesh Gawande
Dinesh Gawande
Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska
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Cited by
Chemo-and bioinformatics resources for in silico drug discovery from medicinal plants beyond their traditional use: a critical review
AA Lagunin, RK Goel, DY Gawande, P Pahwa, TA Gloriozova, ...
Natural product reports 31 (11), 1585-1611, 2014
Agmatine ameliorates adjuvant induced arthritis and inflammatory cachexia in rats
BG Taksande, DY Gawande, CT Chopde, MJ Umekar, NR Kotagale
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 86, 271-278, 2017
Revealing pharmacodynamics of medicinal plants using in silico approach: a case study with wet lab validation
D Singh, DY Gawande, T Singh, V Poroikov, RK Goel
Computers in Biology and Medicine 47, 1-6, 2014
Anticonvulsant activity and acute neurotoxic profile of Achyranthes aspera Linn.
DY Gawande, D Druzhilovsky, RC Gupta, V Poroikov, RK Goel
Journal of ethnopharmacology 202, 97-102, 2017
Psychopharmacological study of agmatine in behavioral tests of schizophrenia in rodents
NR Kotagale, BG Taksande, PJ Wadhwani, MW Palhade, SM Mendhi, ...
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 100 (3), 398-403, 2012
Pharmacological validationof in-silico guided novel nootropic potential of Achyranthes aspera L.
DY Gawande, RK Goel
Journal ofEthnopharmacology 175, 324-334, 2015
Neuropeptide Y in the central nucleus of amygdala regulates the anxiolytic effect of agmatine in rats
BG Taksande, NR Kotagale, DY Gawande, AP Bharne, CT Chopde, ...
European Neuropsychopharmacology 24 (6), 955-963, 2014
Agmatine for combined treatment of epilepsy, depression and cognitive impairment in chronic epileptic animals
T Singh, N Bagga, A Kaur, N Kaur, DY Gawande, RK Goel
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 92, 720-725, 2017
Differential effect of NMDA receptor GluN2C and GluN2D subunit ablation on behavior and channel blocker-induced schizophrenia phenotypes
GP Shelkar, R Pavuluri, PJ Gandhi, A Ravikrishnan, DY Gawande, J Liu, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 1-11, 2019
Macrophages promote repair of inner hair cell ribbon synapses following noise-induced cochlear synaptopathy
V Manickam, DY Gawande, AR Stothert, AC Clayman, L Batalkina, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 43 (12), 2075-2089, 2023
Striatal glutamate delta-1 receptor regulates behavioral flexibility and thalamostriatal connectivity
J Liu, GP Shelkar, PJ Gandhi, DY Gawande, A Hoover, RM Villalba, ...
Neurobiology of disease 137, 104746, 2020
Pharmacological repositioning of Achyranthes aspera as an antidepressant using pharmacoinformatic tools PASS and PharmaExpert: a case study with wet lab …
RK Goel, DY Gawande, AA Lagunin, VV Poroikov
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 29 (1), 69-81, 2018
Revealing medicinal plants that are useful for the comprehensive management of epilepsy and associated comorbidities through in silico mining of their phytochemical diversity
RK Goel, D Gawande, A Lagunin, P Randhawa, A Mishra, V Poroikov
Planta Medica 81 (06), 495-506, 2015
Facilitation of GluN2C-containing NMDA receptors in the external globus pallidus increases firing of fast spiking neurons and improves motor function in a hemiparkinsonian …
J Liu, GP Shelkar, LP Sarode, DY Gawande, F Zhao, RP Clausen, ...
Neurobiology of disease 150, 105254, 2021
HIV-1 Tat induced microglial EVs leads to neuronal synaptodendritic injury: microglia-neuron cross-talk in NeuroHIV
M Kannan, S Singh, DT Chemparathy, AA Oladapo, DY Gawande, ...
Extracellular vesicles and circulating nucleic acids 3 (2), 133, 2022
GluN2D subunit in parvalbumin interneurons regulates prefrontal cortex feedforward inhibitory circuit and molecular networks relevant to schizophrenia
DY Gawande, KKS Narasimhan, GP Shelkar, R Pavuluri, HAF Stessman, ...
Biological Psychiatry 94 (4), 297-309, 2023
Glutamate delta-1 receptor regulates inhibitory neurotransmission in the nucleus accumbens core and anxiety-like behaviors
DY Gawande, GP Shelkar, J Liu, AD Ayala, R Pavuluri, D Choi, Y Smith, ...
Molecular neurobiology 58 (10), 4787-4801, 2021
Synthesis and anticonvulsant activities of functionalized 5-(isoindole-1, 3-dione)-pyrimidinones
R Sharma, DY Gawande, C Mohan, RK Goel
Medicinal Chemistry Research 25 (7), 1-5, 2016
Acute orexigenic effect of agmatine involves interaction between central α2-adrenergic and GABAergic receptors
BG Taksande, O Sharma, MM Aglawe, MB Kale, DY Gawande, ...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 93, 939-947, 2017
Glutamate delta 1 receptor regulates autophagy mechanisms and affects excitatory synapse maturation in the somatosensory cortex
DY Gawande, KKS Narasimhan, JM Bhatt, R Pavuluri, V Kesherwani, ...
Pharmacological research 178, 106144, 2022
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Articles 1–20