Elin Röös
Elin Röös
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Greedy or needy? Land use and climate impacts of food in 2050 under different livestock futures
E Röös, B Bajželj, P Smith, M Patel, D Little, T Garnett
Global Environmental Change 47, 1-12, 2017
Defining a land boundary for sustainable livestock consumption
HHE Van Zanten, M Herrero, O Van Hal, E Röös, A Muller, T Garnett, ...
Global change biology 24 (9), 4185-4194, 2018
Risks and opportunities of increasing yields in organic farming. A review
E Röös, A Mie, M Wivstad, E Salomon, B Johansson, S Gunnarsson, ...
Agronomy for sustainable development 38, 1-21, 2018
Grazed and confused?: ruminating on cattle, grazing systems, methane, nitrous oxide, the soil carbon sequestration question-and what it all means for greenhouse gas emissions
T Garnett, C Godde, A Muller, E Röös, P Smith, IJM De Boer, ...
FCRN, 2017
Can carbon footprint serve as an indicator of the environmental impact of meat production?
E Röös, C Sundberg, P Tidåker, I Strid, PA Hansson
Ecological indicators 24, 573-581, 2013
Challenges of carbon labelling of food products: a consumer research perspective
E Röös, H Tjärnemo
British Food Journal 113 (8), 982-996, 2011
Interplay of trade and food system resilience: Gains on supply diversity over time at the cost of trade independency
M Kummu, P Kinnunen, E Lehikoinen, M Porkka, C Queiroz, E Röös, ...
Global Food Security 24, 100360, 2020
Limiting livestock production to pasture and by-products in a search for sustainable diets
E Röös, M Patel, J Spångberg, G Carlsson, L Rydhmer
Food Policy 58, 1-13, 2016
Less meat, more legumes: prospects and challenges in the transition toward sustainable diets in Sweden
E Röös, G Carlsson, F Ferawati, M Hefni, A Stephan, P Tidåker, C Witthöft
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 35 (2), 192-205, 2020
Uncertainties in the carbon footprint of food products: a case study on table potatoes
E Röös, C Sundberg, PA Hansson
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15, 478-488, 2010
Sustainable meat consumption: A quantitative analysis of nutritional intake, greenhouse gas emissions and land use from a Swedish perspective
E Hallström, E Röös, P Börjesson
Food Policy 47, 81-90, 2014
Evaluating the sustainability of diets–combining environmental and nutritional aspects
E Röös, H Karlsson, C Witthöft, C Sundberg
Environmental Science & Policy 47, 157-166, 2015
Fear of climate change consequences and predictors of intentions to alter meat consumption
E Hunter, E Röös
Food Policy 62, 151-160, 2016
Carbon footprint of food products
E Röös, C Sundberg, PA Hansson
Assessment of Carbon Footprint in Different Industrial Sectors, Volume 1, 85-112, 2014
The role of reducing food waste for resilient food systems
B Bajželj, TE Quested, E Röös, RPJ Swannell
Ecosystem services 45, 101140, 2020
Protein futures for Western Europe: potential land use and climate impacts in 2050
E Röös, B Bajželj, P Smith, M Patel, D Little, T Garnett
Regional Environmental Change 17, 367-377, 2017
Uncertainties in the carbon footprint of refined wheat products: a case study on Swedish pasta
E Röös, C Sundberg, PA Hansson
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 16, 338-350, 2011
Communicating the environmental impact of meat production: challenges in the development of a Swedish meat guide
E Röös, L Ekelund, H Tjärnemo
Journal of cleaner production 73, 154-164, 2014
Benchmarking the Swedish diet relative to global and national environmental targets—identification of indicator limitations and data gaps
E Moberg, H Karlsson Potter, A Wood, PA Hansson, E Röös
Sustainability 12 (4), 1407, 2020
Effect of eating seasonal on the carbon footprint of Swedish vegetable consumption
E Röös, H Karlsson
Journal of Cleaner Production 59, 63-72, 2013
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Articles 1–20