Nikos Platis
Nikos Platis
Assistant Professor, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of the Peloponnese
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Cited by
Graphics and visualization: Principles & algorithms
T Theoharis, G Papaioannou, N Platis, NM Patrikalakis
CRC Press, 2008
Graphics and Visualization: Principles & Algorithms. AK Peters
T Theoharis, G Papaioannou, N Platis, NM Patrikalakis
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Wellesley, 2008
Fast Ray-Tetrahedron Intersection Using Plucker Coordinates
N Platis, T Theoharis
Journal of graphics tools 8 (4), 37-48, 2003
Triangular mesh simplification on the GPU
A Papageorgiou, N Platis
The Visual Computer 31 (2), 235-244, 2015
Hydria: An Online Data Lake for Multi-Faceted Analytics in the Cultural Heritage Domain
K Deligiannis, P Raftopoulou, C Tryfonopoulos, N Platis, C Vassilakis
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 4 (2), 7, 2020
Towards a learning analytics platform for supporting the educational process
G Lepouras, A Katifori, C Vassilakis, A Antoniou, N Platis
IISA 2014, The 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence …, 2014
Developing an Interactive VR CAVE for Immersive Shared Gaming Experiences
A Theodoropoulos, D Stavropoulou, P Papadopoulos, N Platis, ...
Virtual Worlds 2 (2), 162-181, 2023
Progressive Hulls for Intersection Applications
N Platis, T Theoharis
Computer Graphics Forum 22 (2), 107-116, 2003
Airline Deregulation, Competitive Environment and Safety
A Papatheodorou, N Platis
Rivista di Politica Economica 97 (1), 221-242, 2007
Necessary and sufficient conditions for some two variable orthogonal designs in order 36
C Koukouvinos, N Platis, J Seberry
Personalized augmented reality experiences in museums using Google cardboards
M Theodorakopoulos, N Papageorgopoulos, A Mourti, A Antoniou, ...
2017 12th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and …, 2017
An Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Remedial Teaching Education Policy
I Papadogiannis, M Wallace, V Poulopoulos, C Vassilakis, G Lepouras, ...
Knowledge 3 (3), 349-363, 2023
Simplification of vector fields over tetrahedral meshes
N Platis, T Theoharis
Proceedings Computer Graphics International, 2004., 174-181, 2004
First Grade GPA as a Predictor of Later Academic Performance in High School
I Papadogiannis, V Poulopoulos, N Platis, C Vassilakis, G Lepouras, ...
Knowledge 3 (3), 513-524, 2023
“Take me Home”: AR to Connect Exhibits to Excavation Sites
A Antoniou, G Lepouras, A Kastritsis, J Diakoumakos, Y Aggelakos, ...
Proceedings of the AVI2CH 2020 Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces and …, 2020
An Integration Framework for CORBA Objects
A Ramfos, R Busse, N Platis, P Fankhauser
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 3 (1), 27-41, 1999
An Integration Framework for CORBA Objects
A Ramfos, R Busse, N Platis, P Fankhauser
Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science 3 (1), 27-41, 1999
A Visual Depiction of an Educational Robotics Framework Aimed to Foster the Development of Collaboration Skills
EA Demetroulis, N Platis, M Wallace, A Antoniou, V Poulopoulos
European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, 2020
CORBA Based Data Integration Framework.
A Ramfos, R Busse, N Platis, P Fankhauser
IADT, 176-183, 1998
The uncertain tag cloud
M Wallace, N Platis
2015 10th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and …, 2015
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Articles 1–20