Top publications
h5-index is the h-index for articles published in the last 5 complete years. It is the largest number h such that h articles published in 2019-2023 have at least h citations each.hide
h5-median for a publication is the median number of citations for the articles that make up its h5-index.hide
1.Biosensors and Bioelectronics141189
2.Analytical Chemistry131181
3.TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry124171
4.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical117154
5.ACS Sensors96126
7.Analytica Chimica Acta88109
8.Microchemical Journal82112
9.Lab on a Chip76101
11.Microchimica Acta7188
12.The Analyst6986
13.Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry6788
14.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry6683
15.Journal of Proteome Research6597
16.Molecular & Cellular Proteomics64108
17.Journal of Chromatography A6379
18.Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis6077
19.Analytical Methods: Advancing Methods and Applications5173
20.Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems5070
Dates and citation counts are estimated and are determined automatically by a computer program.